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2 min readDec 9, 2020

The Greatness of Small: Revolutions That Changed our World.

Revolutions, like comets, come once in a while into our social universe. Anyone who lived history and is alive today will reveal how small, unimportant whirlwinds turned into social tornadoes that shaped a desired future or at least created an analog of the same.

Revolutions can either be causes, beliefs, ideologies, or innovations that disrupt a collective opinion and create an entirely new belief that is often radical, and unacceptable at first. Most revolutions start as raindrops but mature to tsunami levels. But are rain tsunamis worth it?

Maybe tsunamis can be good or bad. Some may have ill intentions, but most are waterways to ferry humanity into unknown lands of belief, hope, success, or enterprise.

One wouldn’t easily forget the PC revolution ushered by Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. At the time the entire computer industry was a singular company — IBM. But with pure separately-held, but uniform beliefs, Steve Jobs of Apple, and Bill Gates of Microsoft changed the narrative to make computers available to everyone at affordable prices.

Earlier in the twentieth century, Rosa Parks and the Montgomery bus boycott became the ignition for another wave of the American civil rights movement campaigns which led to quantum success in the history of anti-racial segregation. The movement, led by a modest and rather youthful unharmful Baptist Minister, Martin Luther King, Jnr.

One guide for following revolutions is to see those at the core of such revolutions, whether their social values and calls remain consistent with what benefits the people and if they are aligned to the enrichment, freedom, empowerment, of the people they are fighting for. Another thing about revolutions that takes its meaning from the perspective of the average member of a society or economy is that they are often seen as evil by leadership but eventually define and shape history- giving a new perspective to living and creating several prospects and opportunities.

Cheers…’ to the greatness of small’.

NB: “To the Greatness of Small” was an Alibaba Olympic Ad tagline. You can watch the video here: (

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